It gives me great pleasure to announce that we have finally released – your all-in-one productivity solution for business and sales meetings, integrated with world's #1 CRM provider
Today, I want to share the story behind the product. Like all good things, everything started with a personal need and the desire to make things better.
It all goes way back to the early days of Punos Mobile, our company, when the idea of the Meeting Assistant sales app was just a couple of concept sketches on the back of a meeting handout.
It all goes way back to the early days of Punos Mobile, our company, when the idea of the Meeting Assistant sales app was just a couple of concept sketches on the back of a meeting handout.
I had been working in sales for a decade, always encountering the same issues with different colleagues: "Why do we need to update the CRM? All this time is AWAY FROM MAKING SALES!" and "Why do we need a CRM? I know my clients!". Valid points for a lone salesman, but very alarming for a professional sales team.
From a sales manager's perspective, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool is an ideal way to keep track of what is happening at the customer interface. CRM is crucial for providing better service. In many cases, however, the company's CRM only represents a storage dump with customer contacts and billing addresses.
When a company wants to provide better service (and, consequently, generate more business) to its clients, all vital information should be stored in a dedicated place. Information that is unavailable equals useless information. With a CRM tool that is actually used as it should, anyone from the company can help the customer, despite who the so-called official contact for that account is.
Today, companies have started listening to their customers. However, thanks to the social revolution, really hearing what the customer has to say is getting harder, as customer contacts are no longer limited to email or telephone conversations. Salesforce, for instance, has been actively voicing their opinion about being a Customer Company – listening to the customers, regardless of how they want to reach the service provider.
We here at Punos Mobile still think that the best way, although not the only way, to get under the customer's skin is face-to-face meetings. For this, we want to offer better solutions for collaborating with colleagues and get all the customer's needs and thoughts across to the whole team. We want to be able to react to customer needs faster – or even in real time! We want to reach higher by providing a solution that will hopefully boost customer satisfaction to 100 % in every meeting.
And, today, we are happy to give you just the tool for this. We invite you to check out . Try this sales app out, give it a spin in your next meeting. Get productive today and never again lose a piece of valuable information! Not sure yet? Look for more information about our sales meeting app for Salesforce on our website.
Co-Founder and Sales Director at Punos Mobile Ltd