Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Webinar: Manage Your Field Sales Webinar

Meeting Assistant offers tools both for Sales Management and Sales Professionals to collaborate faster, effectively, and mobile. With the solution, you can get more relevant customer data to Salesforce, adjust sales pitches with the latest available data, improve your customer knowledge, and request instant customer surveys in sales meetings.


  • Who we are, Fluido and Punos Mobile
  • Challenges with field sales
  • Solution Meeting Assistant
    • Management tool for Salesforce
    • Meeting Assistant mobile app
  • Meeting Assistant demo
  • Case Mediamobile
  • Summary and Q&A

See Webinar materials here

Want to learn more?

Contact Punos Mobile sales at sales at punosmobile.comFluido is authorized reseller of  Meeting Assistant for Salesforce in Nordic countries.


Fluido is the leading Salesforce partner and sole ExactTarget Marketing Cloud reseller in the Nordics. We help companies to bring their sales, marketing and customer service into a new level. We offer tailor-made Salesforce consulting and development services and organize various Salesforce trainings. Our customers represent organizations of various sizes and business verticals, including several major globally operating enterprises. Fluido’s team consists of 60 experts and our offices are located in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

Punos Mobile, based in Helsinki, Finland, makes software that improves the way people meet. The Meeting Assistant ® helps to schedule and calendar a meeting, assists in efficient agenda creation, provides a novel interface for in-meeting recording, and makes it easy to send notes to everyone right after the meeting. iPad and Android tablet meeting app is currently available through the and the .

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fluido and Friends - Navigating the Cloud 2014

Finland’s biggest Salesforce event this Fall

When: 18th of September 2014 from 1.00 pm to 6.00 pm

meeting app ipad blog picture

All efforts in developing business and increasing sales begin and end with the customer. Today's customers want high-quality service and communications regardless of the channel. Exceptional customer experience gives competitive edge. At the same time companies want cost and resource saving solutions. Cloud solutions give the tools for accelerating sales, marketing and customer service. 

This Fall's biggest Salesforce event in Finland gives you the tools to understand the latest trends in the cloud market, a chance to strengthen your expertise and network with like-minded professionals. In the event you can find industry's leading companies and two interesting keynote speakers.

meeting app for Kindle Meeting Assistant - Improve your workflow and make your meetings, sales and reporting more efficient

Meeting Assistant is all about sales meetings and making your life more easier and efficient. We are one of the event’s partner, and have own breakout session at the event. At the event, we are introducing our new Meeting Assistant package for Salesforce, which will be available on the AppExchange later this fall. The new sales meeting App for iPad and Android will help companies to add the meeting sales playbook to the Salesforce, push information to sales teams and get more valuable data to the CRM. Wanna learn more? Register for free to the event!

Ville Mettälä
Co-Founder and VP Sales at Punos Mobile Ltd

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why Is It Important What Happens During Sales Meetings - 5 Top Reasons

How often are minutes from a meeting recorded and sent out quickly after a sales meeting? Often times, no one receives the minutes until days later. The purpose of minutes is to highlight what was discussed along with who will be responsible for certain tasks after the meeting. Even though attendees take notes, the minutes usually contain even more details. To get the most from your meetings, minutes should be recorded immediately.

Going through old meeting notes can be frustrating 

Details Fade Over Time

The longer you wait after a meeting to record the minutes, the fewer details you'll remember. While you'll have notes, you may forget exactly what they mean. Perhaps you used shorthand or initials and now you can't remember why you used them. Suddenly, you're leaving out information that could be important.

Attendees Don't Have The Full Picture

Sometimes you can piece together what's missing by talking to the attendees. Most attendees only take notes based on how the meeting affects them. They don't have the full picture and may note have the details you need to complete the minutes. Once again, quite a lot of information could be left out.

Help Attendees Start On Tasks

After a meeting, attendees may wait for the minutes to ensure they fully understand everything that was discussed. Minutes usually include what tasks each person is responsible for. The longer it takes for the minutes to be released, the longer these tasks are put off. Once minutes are received, attendees may forget exactly why certain tasks need to be done and what the time line on the task is.

Aid With Reporting

Minutes are an essential part of reporting. What questions did customers have? What were the results of the meeting? Did attendees have all the information they needed throughout the meeting? These details are usually included in reports to management so management can analyze whether a meeting was successful or not along with what steps need to be taken to improve meeting efficiency. Delay the minutes and you delay reporting which could be vital to the next meeting's success.

Please Customers

Sales representatives and colleagues may be okay with waiting for minutes, but when you're meeting with customers, they expect to receive the minutes quickly. The turnaround time on this is a direct reflection on your company. If you can't record and send them out in a timely fashion, what else could be delayed? Customers expect immediate results and minutes are no exception.

Free yourself from paper work!

Solving The Problem

Meeting Assistant is a sales app and meeting app rolled into one. It's designed to turn your tablet into a powerful meeting tool that allows you to create checklists, take meeting notes, easily create minutes and generate reports. All of this can be done from your iPad or Android tablet within the first hour after a meeting. This ensures every meeting is a productive exercise as attendees, contacts and co-workers receive immediate feedback from the meeting.

With full integration with Salesforce and iPad apps, you only need this one app as you walk in to your next meeting. Everyone leaves fully understanding what's next and they receive minutes to confirm the details quickly after the meeting. It's a win-win for attendees and your company.

Ville Mettälä
Co-Founder and VP Sales at Punos Mobile Ltd

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Difficulties with the Meeting Assistant for iPad previous versions – FIX AVAILABLE!

Even the smallest errors can have large impact

We made a major human error during the development and publishing of our latest update for Meeting Assistant for iPad. As the result, our app crashed on 64-bit iPad devices. Our whole team is truly sorry for this! Luckily, we received direct and fast feedback via and our UserVoice forum. We were able to locate and fix the problem in a timely manner. Thanks to our customers for reporting and helping us to resolve the issue! Hats off also to the App Store review team for an expedited review.

Life is a learning process

What have we learned?

Updating the app is always a big process, no matter how small the update is. We have already made some improvements to our internal testing process. Our valued customers use the app daily, and access to meeting minutes and other information is essential when running from meeting to meeting.

In addition to an improved testing process, we want and will provide our customers more ways to run better meetings. I am happy to tell you that the most requested things, for example a smartphone version(s) and a secure, totally new way to access meeting notes is already under development. With the help of valuable feedback and trust, we will give our customers more efficient solutions for meeting management.

A new update () is available now. Once again, my apologies.

Hannu Alakangas
CEO of Punos Mobile Ltd

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Android version of Meeting Assistant meeting app released

Meeting Assistant iPad app

® is finally released! From the beginning, we here at Punos Mobile have been developing Meeting Assistant based on our customers’ voices. And we have been lucky to have such active clients and contributors, so a big thanks to them! After more than a year from our first release on iPad, we are excited to offer Meeting Assistant for Android users as well.

Screen capture of Meeting Assistant for Android 7" tablet

 has been met with good reviews, lots of feedback and mentions in various business networks. This has proven to us that there is a real need for apps that help with meeting management, especially Ad hoc meetings. We want to offer our customers the best possible solution for this demand.

launches with new features & revamped mobile user interface:

● Optimized for Android 7” and 10” tablets
● Supports Android Jelly Bean and higher
● Improved meeting management in Meeting View for Ad hoc meetings
● Back gesture functionality extended. It can be used to change the order of action points now - this has been one of most requested features. Improved functionality is available on My Agenda, Meeting view and Agenda view.
● Profile card view removed as unnecessary and the basic profile info dialog improved to match. Stay tuned for more changes on this area.
● Available in 3 languages - English, Deutsch and Finnish, more will be added soon
● Top notch performance and lot of minor changes
What would you like to see in the next update? Give feedback on our UserVoice forum.

will also get these features and improvements very soon.

Our aim is to continue building on the success we've experienced so far and take Meeting Assistant to the next level in terms of user numbers and the app itself. We're an ambitious team with a product road-map to match so stay tuned for more over the coming months. At the moment, our roadmap includes at least these words: “salesforce”, “kindle fire”, “smartphone” and “something totally new”.

is available to download for a limited time at the price of
€ 3,61/ $ 4,99 from the Google Play. Have better meetings with our meeting app for Android now.

Check an in-app video about the app below:

Ville Mettälä
Co-Founder and VP Sales at Punos Mobile Ltd

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Top 4 Reasons to Go Digital During Meetings

Meeting app for Android
Meeting Assistant is a perfect solution for paperless office. Available on iPad and Android tablets

Meetings are important for discussing new projects, gaining new clients and advancing your business. Do you really want to keep your meetings in the dark ages with papers, folders, notebooks and pencils everywhere? Is that really the most efficient way to run your meetings? Go digital with a tablet and a meeting app and you'll see just how different meetings can be.

No More Lost Paperwork

Meeting notes
Meeting notes on piece of papers is old school
Paperwork gets misplaced easily. How often have you entered a sales meeting only to have the wrong figures and agenda in your hand? Not only does it the delay the meeting, but it wastes everyone's time. With the Meeting Assistant app for iPad and Android tablets, you don't have to worry about carrying in the wrong paperwork or losing anything.

All the information you need about the meeting agenda, attendees and notes are in one convenient location. It saves time and keeps meetings on track. Plus, no more pesky papercuts.

Quieter Meetings

As a manager, it can be annoying to realize no one heard what you were saying due to the rustle of shuffling papers. From taking notes to finding papers to answer questions, it gets noisy quickly. The entire purpose of a meeting is to discuss important topics. If no one hears what is said, what's the point?

Keep employees productive during your next meeting with a sales app that lets them take notes, list topics for discussion and read the agenda without a single page crinkling or shuffling.

Improved Organization

Meetings can quickly become a disorganized mess if not handled properly. Everyone may not have the same updated materials or even know any details about other attendees. With the Meeting Assistant meeting app, everything you need to know is easily organized on your tablet. Use your iPad to receive updated meeting notes and learn more about attendees before you ever walk in.

With Salesforce integration, you can even get answers from colleagues without ever leaving the meeting. This keeps everyone focused and on topic. Not only does going digital keep you organized in the meeting, but outside the meeting as well.

Easier Follow-Ups

The worse part about a sales meeting is the follow-up and reporting. Since all the details of the meeting are already in the Meeting Assistant app, you can quickly send out any relevant follow-up notes and tasks to contacts, colleagues and more. Reporting takes minutes instead of hours. The time savings alone is worth trading paper for digital.

Meeting Assistant is ready to take you into the digital age. It's the switch you won't regret. After just a single meeting, you'll see impressive results. All you need is a mobile app and a tablet to get started.

Ville Mettälä
Co-Founder and VP Sales at Punos Mobile Ltd

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Get immediate answers during sales meetings

Don't waste the clients precious time during the meeting

While it would be great if you could anticipate every questions a client might have in a meeting, you never know when they might ask something that you don't immediately know the answer to. What if you could improve client relationships by answering their questions quickly without ever leaving the meeting? Meeting Assistant for iPad gives the power to seek out answers without leaving your client waiting and possibly considering the competition over you.

Embarrassing Wait Times

Before Meeting Assistant sales app, you had two options to answer those unexpected client questions. You could call a colleague during the meeting and wait on hold while they hunted the answer or you could delay the question and email the answer later. Either way, your productive meeting suddenly comes to a screeching halt while both you and the client wait around. In the client's eyes, you're wasting their time and they may even see it as uncertainty about your products.

Create More Efficient Meetings

Clients are always impressed when you put their needs first. By having more efficient client meetings, clients will be more apt to choose you over your competitors. As a sales rep, you can't take the entire office with you, but you can have them just a tap away. This is the kind of efficiency that impresses clients and proves you're a cutting edge company.

Meeting Assistant uses Salesforce Chatter to let sales reps and their colleagues remain in contact when it matters most – giving clients the answers they need to make an informed decision about your products and services. No matter where your meeting takes place, simply bring up the app on your tablet and ask for help. Within minutes, you'll have answers and prove the client just how efficient your business really is. The app lets you create reclamations, called cases, which contain information about questions, including any answers and who participated in the conversation.

Immediate Follow-Up

Create and assign meeting tasks
Creating and assigning task during the meeting couldnt
be more easier!
Meetings don't end after you shake hands and walk away. Odds are, you have a list of things to do to ensure the client doesn't just their mind. From sending additional information to providing details to a colleague, it can be easy to forget all these tasks before you get back to the office. Meeting Assistant helps to further improve client relationships by ensuring nothing is forgotten. Our mobile meeting app means you don't have to wait to create tasks.

Instead, create tasks throughout the meeting and spend a few minutes after to update the list. Assigned tasks will immediately be sent to the appropriate colleagues. Everything is still fresh in your mind and nothing gets lost as time passes. You can even create iPad reminders for yourself to remember to contact the client at a later date or follow-up with colleagues.

Meeting Assistant isn't just for organization. It's for helping your business gain an edge over the competition. Impress your clients and always get them the answers they need, when they need them.

Mr Ville Mettälä

Co-Founder and VP Sales at Punos Mobile Ltd

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