Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Get immediate answers during sales meetings

Don't waste the clients precious time during the meeting

While it would be great if you could anticipate every questions a client might have in a meeting, you never know when they might ask something that you don't immediately know the answer to. What if you could improve client relationships by answering their questions quickly without ever leaving the meeting? Meeting Assistant for iPad gives the power to seek out answers without leaving your client waiting and possibly considering the competition over you.

Embarrassing Wait Times

Before Meeting Assistant sales app, you had two options to answer those unexpected client questions. You could call a colleague during the meeting and wait on hold while they hunted the answer or you could delay the question and email the answer later. Either way, your productive meeting suddenly comes to a screeching halt while both you and the client wait around. In the client's eyes, you're wasting their time and they may even see it as uncertainty about your products.

Create More Efficient Meetings

Clients are always impressed when you put their needs first. By having more efficient client meetings, clients will be more apt to choose you over your competitors. As a sales rep, you can't take the entire office with you, but you can have them just a tap away. This is the kind of efficiency that impresses clients and proves you're a cutting edge company.

Meeting Assistant uses Salesforce Chatter to let sales reps and their colleagues remain in contact when it matters most – giving clients the answers they need to make an informed decision about your products and services. No matter where your meeting takes place, simply bring up the app on your tablet and ask for help. Within minutes, you'll have answers and prove the client just how efficient your business really is. The app lets you create reclamations, called cases, which contain information about questions, including any answers and who participated in the conversation.

Immediate Follow-Up

Create and assign meeting tasks
Creating and assigning task during the meeting couldnt
be more easier!
Meetings don't end after you shake hands and walk away. Odds are, you have a list of things to do to ensure the client doesn't just their mind. From sending additional information to providing details to a colleague, it can be easy to forget all these tasks before you get back to the office. Meeting Assistant helps to further improve client relationships by ensuring nothing is forgotten. Our mobile meeting app means you don't have to wait to create tasks.

Instead, create tasks throughout the meeting and spend a few minutes after to update the list. Assigned tasks will immediately be sent to the appropriate colleagues. Everything is still fresh in your mind and nothing gets lost as time passes. You can even create iPad reminders for yourself to remember to contact the client at a later date or follow-up with colleagues.

Meeting Assistant isn't just for organization. It's for helping your business gain an edge over the competition. Impress your clients and always get them the answers they need, when they need them.

Mr Ville Mettälä

Co-Founder and VP Sales at Punos Mobile Ltd