Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Top 4 Reasons to Go Digital During Meetings

Meeting app for Android
Meeting Assistant is a perfect solution for paperless office. Available on iPad and Android tablets

Meetings are important for discussing new projects, gaining new clients and advancing your business. Do you really want to keep your meetings in the dark ages with papers, folders, notebooks and pencils everywhere? Is that really the most efficient way to run your meetings? Go digital with a tablet and a meeting app and you'll see just how different meetings can be.

No More Lost Paperwork

Meeting notes
Meeting notes on piece of papers is old school
Paperwork gets misplaced easily. How often have you entered a sales meeting only to have the wrong figures and agenda in your hand? Not only does it the delay the meeting, but it wastes everyone's time. With the Meeting Assistant app for iPad and Android tablets, you don't have to worry about carrying in the wrong paperwork or losing anything.

All the information you need about the meeting agenda, attendees and notes are in one convenient location. It saves time and keeps meetings on track. Plus, no more pesky papercuts.

Quieter Meetings

As a manager, it can be annoying to realize no one heard what you were saying due to the rustle of shuffling papers. From taking notes to finding papers to answer questions, it gets noisy quickly. The entire purpose of a meeting is to discuss important topics. If no one hears what is said, what's the point?

Keep employees productive during your next meeting with a sales app that lets them take notes, list topics for discussion and read the agenda without a single page crinkling or shuffling.

Improved Organization

Meetings can quickly become a disorganized mess if not handled properly. Everyone may not have the same updated materials or even know any details about other attendees. With the Meeting Assistant meeting app, everything you need to know is easily organized on your tablet. Use your iPad to receive updated meeting notes and learn more about attendees before you ever walk in.

With Salesforce integration, you can even get answers from colleagues without ever leaving the meeting. This keeps everyone focused and on topic. Not only does going digital keep you organized in the meeting, but outside the meeting as well.

Easier Follow-Ups

The worse part about a sales meeting is the follow-up and reporting. Since all the details of the meeting are already in the Meeting Assistant app, you can quickly send out any relevant follow-up notes and tasks to contacts, colleagues and more. Reporting takes minutes instead of hours. The time savings alone is worth trading paper for digital.

Meeting Assistant is ready to take you into the digital age. It's the switch you won't regret. After just a single meeting, you'll see impressive results. All you need is a mobile app and a tablet to get started.

Ville Mettälä
Co-Founder and VP Sales at Punos Mobile Ltd