Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Difficulties with the Meeting Assistant for iPad previous versions – FIX AVAILABLE!

Even the smallest errors can have large impact

We made a major human error during the development and publishing of our latest update for Meeting Assistant for iPad. As the result, our app crashed on 64-bit iPad devices. Our whole team is truly sorry for this! Luckily, we received direct and fast feedback via and our UserVoice forum. We were able to locate and fix the problem in a timely manner. Thanks to our customers for reporting and helping us to resolve the issue! Hats off also to the App Store review team for an expedited review.

Life is a learning process

What have we learned?

Updating the app is always a big process, no matter how small the update is. We have already made some improvements to our internal testing process. Our valued customers use the app daily, and access to meeting minutes and other information is essential when running from meeting to meeting.

In addition to an improved testing process, we want and will provide our customers more ways to run better meetings. I am happy to tell you that the most requested things, for example a smartphone version(s) and a secure, totally new way to access meeting notes is already under development. With the help of valuable feedback and trust, we will give our customers more efficient solutions for meeting management.

A new update () is available now. Once again, my apologies.

Hannu Alakangas
CEO of Punos Mobile Ltd