Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why Is It Important What Happens During Sales Meetings - 5 Top Reasons

How often are minutes from a meeting recorded and sent out quickly after a sales meeting? Often times, no one receives the minutes until days later. The purpose of minutes is to highlight what was discussed along with who will be responsible for certain tasks after the meeting. Even though attendees take notes, the minutes usually contain even more details. To get the most from your meetings, minutes should be recorded immediately.

Going through old meeting notes can be frustrating 

Details Fade Over Time

The longer you wait after a meeting to record the minutes, the fewer details you'll remember. While you'll have notes, you may forget exactly what they mean. Perhaps you used shorthand or initials and now you can't remember why you used them. Suddenly, you're leaving out information that could be important.

Attendees Don't Have The Full Picture

Sometimes you can piece together what's missing by talking to the attendees. Most attendees only take notes based on how the meeting affects them. They don't have the full picture and may note have the details you need to complete the minutes. Once again, quite a lot of information could be left out.

Help Attendees Start On Tasks

After a meeting, attendees may wait for the minutes to ensure they fully understand everything that was discussed. Minutes usually include what tasks each person is responsible for. The longer it takes for the minutes to be released, the longer these tasks are put off. Once minutes are received, attendees may forget exactly why certain tasks need to be done and what the time line on the task is.

Aid With Reporting

Minutes are an essential part of reporting. What questions did customers have? What were the results of the meeting? Did attendees have all the information they needed throughout the meeting? These details are usually included in reports to management so management can analyze whether a meeting was successful or not along with what steps need to be taken to improve meeting efficiency. Delay the minutes and you delay reporting which could be vital to the next meeting's success.

Please Customers

Sales representatives and colleagues may be okay with waiting for minutes, but when you're meeting with customers, they expect to receive the minutes quickly. The turnaround time on this is a direct reflection on your company. If you can't record and send them out in a timely fashion, what else could be delayed? Customers expect immediate results and minutes are no exception.

Free yourself from paper work!

Solving The Problem

Meeting Assistant is a sales app and meeting app rolled into one. It's designed to turn your tablet into a powerful meeting tool that allows you to create checklists, take meeting notes, easily create minutes and generate reports. All of this can be done from your iPad or Android tablet within the first hour after a meeting. This ensures every meeting is a productive exercise as attendees, contacts and co-workers receive immediate feedback from the meeting.

With full integration with Salesforce and iPad apps, you only need this one app as you walk in to your next meeting. Everyone leaves fully understanding what's next and they receive minutes to confirm the details quickly after the meeting. It's a win-win for attendees and your company.

Ville Mettälä
Co-Founder and VP Sales at Punos Mobile Ltd